Thank you internet for providing the perfect outlet for me to spew my awesomeness. You might find it funny. I sure as hell do.
The title: Are you curious? It's a lovely little story. First of all, 'wonder mom' was taken, as was 'amazing mommy' and 'most amazing mommy on earth'** so I had to settle for something else. And then I thought, why don't I fondly name after my favorite response in the whole world: 'Yeah, but you know what?'
I use it a lot. I use it a lot and I love it a lot because it works on so many levels. Let's break it down:
'Yeah': As in 'yes, I hear you.'
'But you know what?': Also known as, 'now listen to me.'
Use it. Love it.
* Not just plain curious. Also possibly funny, annoying, stupid, intriguing, hilarious, rant worthy, and probably other things too.
** Kidding. A: I would never name a blog tany of those thingsbecause that's lame and B: I am no wonder or amazing mommy. I'm just a regular mom with super funny powers***.
***Possibly not.