
Thursday, December 30, 2010


Ok, so here's the deal, my husband is super in to sports. Like, SUUUUPER in to sports. I? Am so not in to sports. Like, SOOOOO not in to sports.

So tonight, apparently there is some gi-normous game going on. Like, so giant and enormous that he has to literally boot-scoot out of dinner with my sister-in-law faster than a virgin during his first time. Seriously. He left so fast I turned my head and I was like, 'wha??" and my sister-in-law was like, 'huh?' And then he was gone.

And then I got a text from him not three minutes later: 'sorry for busting out of there so fast. I just wanted to get home before the 2nd half and was getting uncomfortable in that chair. See you soon. Love you.'

Really?? Was that chair really that uncomfortable? Can any chair, aside from, perhaps the electric chair, be that uncomfortable?
Ok. So I should say that we kind of have a football (it's football, I'm pretty sure) celebrity in our town. Jake Locker.. have you heard of him? He plays for the... um... team... that um... plays... ahhhh... football I think.

And that folks, is how incredibly UN into football I am. My husband? He is as IN to foot ball as I am not. And then like a hundred-teen times more.

Oh, and? Jake Locker's dad? Yeah, my husband 'knows' him. KNOWS HIM people!!! It's almost like we're best friends with Brad Pitt or maybe even the Cruise fam. Seriously effiing amazing* because my husband has talked to Jake Locker's dad.

So here I am, home from dinner with the sis-in-law. I walk in and Dr. Yeah is, of course, watching 'the game' on the teevee. I nod, get a drink and go to the computer. Shortly after, he follows me, then enthusiastically interrupts while I am stalking my new favorite blog, Yo Mama's Blog, and proceeds to read me some lame text messages from his associate re: the 'game' with this Locker character.

Dr. Yeah: 'dude, I just texted Dr. Fast and was all 'yeah, Locker is totally crrraaazzy!'

Me: {blank stare} .................

Dr. Yeah: Continuing, regardless of my blank stare, 'and he was all 'you should post how awesome he is on your sign tomorrow' {crazy excited look on his face, like an 'omg this will end the war' look on his face}

Me: {blank stare} .................

Dr. Yeah: 'soooooo yeah! Ummmm. That's so awesome, right?'

Me: 'Ummm?' {continued blank stare} 'Oh, Wow. Yeah. That. Would. Be. Really. Um. Neat. Yeah.'

Dr. Yeah: 'You don't understand.'

Me: 'Well yes. You are right.'

Dr. Yeah: 'sigh'.

Goes to the bathroom, then returns....

Dr. Yeah: 'what are you typing??'

Me: 'Nothing' {large-ish smile, covering said large-ish smile with my hand}

Dr. Yeah: {trying to back-seat computer read me} 'you're writing about me, aren't you?'

Me: 'Uh, no?'

Dr. Yeah: 'Yeah.' {walks away}

Less than one minute after his apparent irritation I hear him cheering to the teevee like a crazy sports fan who loves to cheer to the teevee. Like, really really a lot.

I just don't get it.

*Not necessarily amazing.

xoxo, Mae

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